Vol. 11 No. 1 (2020)
In this issue, you will find five articles dealing with various topics like spiritual convergence and holy places, religious policies and relations, national belonging and gender, and concepts of transcendence and enlightenment.
More precisely, the authors let us dive deeper into subjects like the theoretical concept of "spiritual convergence" in multi-religious places of worship as in late antique Mamre; Gendered issues of national belonging for muslims in Switzerland; Swedish grassroots relations between Orthodox and Lutherans in the seventeenth century; concepts of transcendence in ancient Philippine religion; and the influence of the concept of Enlightenment of Laplandish indigenous religion.
In the miscellaneous section, we present you two more contributions; one tells us about coping processes among migrating adolescents, and the other contains a review of the Liturgy of Beta Israel-CD-box.
Another review can be found in this issue's review section. Claire Maes discusses The Snake and the Mongoose: The Emergence of Identity in Early Indian Religion by Nathan McGovern (2019).